Well played, Magnum, Sir!
A refreshing change from the pathetic drivel that has become too common here. Dumb Dubs make dumb XJWs; you are not of that flocking flock.
a few weeks ago i was working out of my home state and was in a grocery store parking lot when i received my first jw witness since leaving jwdom.
a youngish-looking lady was sitting in an suv parked next to my car and i was about to get in my car to leave.
she opened the door and asked whether she could give me something to read (had a tract in her hand)..
Well played, Magnum, Sir!
A refreshing change from the pathetic drivel that has become too common here. Dumb Dubs make dumb XJWs; you are not of that flocking flock.
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Wow, what a pair of knuckleheads you were! Whether you remain knuckleheads remains to be seen.
Were you expecting praise for your devotion to that "old-time snare-and-racket"?
hello folks.....so in an earlier thread i started, you'd realize that my father and i are quite close, we talk about almost everything/anything.. he traveled outside the country (he's semi-retired), enjoying the fruitage of his hard labor during his younger years.
so he recently returned home after he and mum went away to catchup with some old friends in another country.. upon his returning home, and subsequently to the meetings, he was told that a decision was made to strip him of his "field overseer" role, but will still continue to be an elder.. the reason...he goes away for too long too often...you can't be away from your congregation for three months out of the year!!!???
has anyone else had this experience before?
how many were brought in the infamous back room?
just learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
Oubliette and Lurkernomore:
Unlike you, I feel no obligation to be an empathetic asshole for every whining victim who comes down the pike.
Do not be distressed, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH undiscriminating empathetic assholes available here to provide support for each of the neurotic head-cases who sign on here seeking attention for how THEY were victimized (even if the victimization was BY PROXY, as in "my poor dear daughter..." or "I knew someone who heard of someone who had a friend that...")
I should be celebrating! After upteen years of treading muck in this quicksand trap that is "the JW experience," I find myself at the shallow end of the swamp where I can extract myself and MOVE ON to wherever "ON" is.
Over the past decade-plus I've wondered sometimes why people would up and leave, never to return. It has taken me that long to get a belly-full of the self interested phonies who show up from time to time seeking not healing, but ATTENTION. I'm sorry; when I was "in" I had NO SYMPATHY for the whining crybabies who were always "being stumbled" as a way of controlling others, and I'm far less tolerant of this crap behavior now, so I CALL IT AS I SEE IT - and I will not hesitate to point out that I have been shown to be correct in my appraisals more often than I have been wrong.
So put it in your hat and sit on it, you of the bleeding-hearts club! Keep your simple-minded "church-lady" sensitivity in your purse!
just learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
In Münchausen syndrome by proxy, an adult caregiver (typically the mother) uses the abuse or suffering of the child in order to gain attention for herself.
just learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
There there dearie, you're a wonderful person and can't be faulted for wanting a bit of attention after all your daughter has been through. Verily I tell you today you will be with me in paradise. Please tell us more about how much you've suffered.
i wanted to thank so many who have taken the time and effort to read and recommend captives of a concept over the past decade.. for those who have not seen it, there is an interview on youtube that may have helped some witnesses begin the process of getting the sense of the way the watchtower religion actually works.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5trkrpia-3q.
don cameron.
Beyond the debt of gratitude I owe you Don for writing such an excellent book is a debt of gratitude for helping me - and possibly others, but I'll let them speak for themselves - to see what was possible with the new technologies of self-publishing.
Before this, anyone who wrote about Jehovah's Witnesses had to fork over major dollars to a "vanity press" who would print no less than a "minimum press run" of the book and then ship ALL of them to the author so the author could figure out how to store and distribute the hundreds if not thousands of books that had just been dropped on his doorstep.
LULU.COM was the first company to overthrow the old "vanity press" paradigm, and this made it possible for a FLOOD of both new books and "replica reprints" of old Watchtower publications, and to do it for astonishingly little cost!
Most of us have learned that writing about The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a lousy way to earn retirement income - at best it will provide a pizza a couple of times a year (at worst NO PIZZA FOR YOU!), but we did it because our stories, and more importantly, THE TRUTH, needs to be told.
Best wishes to you! Thank you, Sensei!
just learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
TheFadingAlbatros said, "I could never imagine before this kind of could touch my own family."
Why not? Did you see yourself as superior to the other members of the congregation, or did you feel you had an "extra" guardian angel assigned to you?
Or was it simply that you KNEW you were meeting all the requirements and were confident of Jah's protection, while none of us can be really sure how our neighbor might be acting "in secret" or harboring in their heart?
I'm sorry your daughter had this experience and I hope she can learn that SHE has no guilt in this matter and her value as a human being is not diminished.
i found out that barbara anderson is scheduled to talk about the watchtower's child abuse problems on chuck morse speaks from 11-12 am et on november 11, 2014 about child protection and/or sol reform.. .
to listen to podcasts for $0.99/month, click on this link chuck morse speaks.. .
to listen to chuck morse's show 'chuck morse speaks" on the radio, complete an information form for the irn usa network using this link: station finder | irn usa radio.. .
Zeb pleaded, " Could anyone give me a link or words as to what happened please."
I can tell you with certainty that the letter "E" occurred most frequently. I hope you find that spiritually uplifting.